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Do you live, work, or build in unincorporated Adams County? Help us improve the County’s development and zoning standards!

The land use code guides how property is used and developed in unincorporated Adams County. It impacts housing, environment, sustainability, landscaping, commerical and industrial activities, process, governance, and more. 

The code is being updated to make it easier for staff and the public to use, implement the Advancing Adams Comprehensive Plan (2022), and incorporate best practices and community feedback. 

We want to hear about your experience using the code, how potential updates may effect you, and your thoughts on what we should consider in the update.

Your feedback will be used to help draft the new land use code which is anticipated to be completed in 2025. 


August 2024 Status Update:

Please register as a project subscriber to recieve notifications about upcoming engagement activities as we draft topic-based technical code amendments beginning this fall. 


May 2024 Status Update:

Community members were invited to participate in a survey, neighborhood meeting or stakeholder workshop between November 2023-March 2024.

See the PDF below to view the engagement summary which will inform upcoming technical code amendments.

Check back for future engagement oppourtunities as the new land use code is drafted.



Board of County Commissioners Study Session

Tuesday, May 7 - time TBD

Adams County Government Center

4430 S Adams County Pkwy, Brighton, CO 

Staff will present the findings from our community engagement effort to the Planning Commission. The public is welcome to attend; however, there will not be an opportunity for public comment. 


Planning Commission Study Session

Thursday, April 25 at 5:20 pm

Adams County Public Hearing Room, Adams County Government Center

4430 S Adams County Pkwy, Brighton, CO

Staff will present the findings from our community engagement effort to the Planning Commission. The public is welcome to attend; however, there will not be an opportunity for public comment. 


Board of County Commissioners Study Session

Tuesday, July 23 - time TBD

Adams County Government Center (5th floor)

4430 S Adams County Pkwy, Brighton, CO 

Consultant team and staff will present the project approach. The public is welcome to attend; however, there will not be an opportunity for public comment. 


Planning Commission Study Session

Thursday, July 25 at 5:00 pm

Adams County Public Hearing Room, Adams County Government Center (5th Floor)

4430 S Adams County Pkwy, Brighton, CO

Consultant team and staff will present the project approach. The public is welcome to attend; however, there will not be an opportunity for public comment. 


Project Contact:

Jess Daniels - Senior Implementation Planner

Community and Economic Development (CED)

Email: [email protected]

Project Launch (November 2023)

Engagement website launch. Stay up-to-date on project progress and ways to be involved.

Industry Stakeholder Survey (November 2023 - January 2024)

Provide your feedback on what topics you think should be discussed at our upcoming industry stakeholder meetings.

Community Survey (January - February 2024)

Provide your feedback in our community-wide survey.

Neighborhood Meetings (January 2024)

Provide your feedback and learn more about the land use code update at a virtual or in-person community event. 


Industry Stakeholder Workshops (February 2024)

Participate in one of five topic specific virtual industry stakeholder workshops (designed for industry, business, environment, and government stakeholders).

Engagement Summary (March 2024)

We will report back what we heard to the community and the Board of County Commissioners (BoCC).

Technical Amendments Kick-Off and Site Visits

July 2024

Technical code amendments kick-off with consultant.

Site visits, stakeholder interviews, focus groups and DSR Advisory Committee 

Update to Board of County Commissioners and Planning Commision

Land Dedication Standards Update

June 2024 - November 2024

Annotated Outline and Critique

August-September 2024

Issues identification and analysis of existing DSR and approach to update the code.

October 2024

Presentation of annotated outline and critique to the public and stakeholders for comment

Presentation to tBoCC/Planning Commission 

Residential Districts, Uses, and Subdivision Module

November - December 2024

Commercial and Industrial Districts, Uses, and Standards Module

October - December 2024

Environmental and Sustainability Standards Module

February 2025 - March 2025

Procedures and Governance Standards Module

February 2025 - April 2025

Public Review and Adoption

August 2025 - February 2026

Land use code considered for adoption by Board of County Commissioners. 

Opportunity for public to provide input at Public Hearing.                                 

Revisions completed as neccessary.