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* Please provide your name, email address, and business address.

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* What is the name of your business?

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* How would you categorize your business? Please select one.

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* How long has your business been operating in Strasburg?

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* How many employees do you have (including yourself)?

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* Do you feel like foot traffic for your business has improved or declined over the past 5 years? Please select one.

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* What are the biggest benefits to operating your business in Strasburg? Add your thoughts to the text box below, and you may click other comments that you agree with to "like" them.

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* What are the greatest challenges of operating your business in Strasburg? Add your thoughts to the text box below, and you may click other comments that you agree with to "like" them.

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* Which of these would be the most helpful to your business? Pick up to 3.

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* Would you be interested in learning more about a Strasburg-specific business association or district? An association is a business member-based organization that represents the economic interests of the members and the defined area (i.e. Downtown). A special district 's mission is similar to an association, but this group is a quasi-governmental entity established by a vote that has an elected Board and receives its funding from an increase to sales tax.
Please select one below.

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* Design guidelines can help to create a unique sense of place by regulating the appearance of buildings in a specific area. Specifically for older downtown areas, these guidelines can make sure that new development looks like the existing development. If design guidelines were created for E Colfax Ave, which of these elements would be important to you? (You may select more than one.)

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* Many businesses along E Colfax Avenue have a wide road shoulder between their business and the actual travel lanes of the road. If your business could use this space, what would you use it for? Add your thoughts to the text box below or click "add files" to upload images to demonstrate your ideas. You may click other comments that you agree with to "like" them.